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Nonprofits embrace technology as a mission-critical tool

E-BOOK | April 09, 2024

Authored by RSM US LLP

Modernizing has never been more crucial for mission-driven organizations

Historically, nonprofit organizations have lagged behind for-profit businesses when it comes to digital transformation. That’s slowly changing with the “democratization of technology,” which has allowed more nonprofits to get the solutions, software and hardware they need to work better, smarter and more efficiently in the modern business environment. Improving operational efficiency is key to increasing mission-driven organizations’ impact.

Leveraging a modern, cloud-based enterprise resource planning system like NetSuite can help nonprofits:

  • Improve the effectiveness of fundraising.
  • Get better visibility into the impact of programs.
  • Link funding to specific positive impacts.
  • Produce accurate reports for donors.
  • Accurately track expenses and resources.
  • Optimize talent recruitment, retention and management.

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Source: RSM US LLP.
Reprinted with permission from RSM US LLP.
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